"We Shall All Die" is a Joke That Should Never be Entertained

                                  Image credit: Courtesy
I have heard guys talk of how futile one's effort can be because of the argument that after all we shall all Diego! Isn't this fallacious reasoning? Of course, to some, it isn't because one may view it from a philosophical context. Go into any medical ward & see how adults are crying because of the complications of metabolic diseases. Their only wish is to get their health back. Fatalism is a philosophical concept that tries to explain the argument. Unless looked at it from an angle of sanity, such can promote a lazy populace. 

Philosophies similar to these are in existence since man is not purely a logical creature. Almost everything we do is reduced to some kind of emotional component. As a result, virtually all of us have no problem with using a metric such as "well-being" as the basis of whatever we do, our behaviors, and our decisions. The problem is, there are many people who lack what might be considered a normal range of emotion, and attempt to use reason to get to some fundamental "why," which can't be done. Reasons ultimately reduce to an affective (feeling-based) foundation, not a rational one. So if we ignore affect/feelings, fatalism is the outcome. 
Is it right if we fail to fulfill our potential because we shall die 🤔? We have a future. We have a life. Build your life as you await death. 


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