Ten Powerful Careers Full of False Experts
After high school, we usually find ourselves at a crossroads as we think of the direction to steer our lives. The main careers that linger in our minds are the top-paying formal careers such as Medicine, Engineering, Law, Data Science, Information Technology, Geology, Economics, Politics, and Journalism, to name but a few. Academics ought to contribute towards the betterment of the people, rather than contributing zero information or theories that track onto reality. Have you ever sat down and thought critically about the careers that we recommend to our children, or even what we chose while we were at that stage? Here are the four powerful careers full of False experts.
- Psychologists: Most successful people have mastered the art of manipulation. In its design, Psychology was meant to understand the human mind, and therefore, among other things, help in the art of manipulation. The sad fact is that most psychology academicians have done little in enhancing their contribution to the betterment of the art of manipulation, an art that would save many from poverty. Con artists are better teachers of this art. In his book titled 48 Laws of Power, and the 50th Law, Robert Greene, a man with zero notable academics has made notable contributions that have proved helpful in real life.
- Psychiatrists: Cases of mental illness have been on the rise yet we have many psychiatrists in the world? What is their contribution to the real world? Such are false experts as whatever they do is not impacting the world in a substantial manner. In a study conducted in the USA by Mendel et. al (2011) showed that in 70% of instances, psychiatrists who performed a confirmatory search misdiagnosed patients.
- Economists: Another career that is full of false experts in economics. One would wonder why economists disagree on the same matter yet their training should be put in the same school of thought. The question here is, Are they basing their argument on guesswork?
- Political Scientists are also false experts. They wake up and tell you what they think is the direction of the politics in a country. Whatever they are discussing is usually entrenched in an individual's interest, with few facts supporting it. We have seen so many of them go East whereas they predicted West.
If you are an expert in these careers, master your trade, and help save the name. Build your career, and purpose to serve humanity.